Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Monkeys!

 Noah Patrick... will be 10 in January. My logical, quiet one (unless he's fighting with his sister) Loves Legos, video games and bathroom humor. It's hard to get him to open up, but when you do, watch out! He's so loving and wonderful!

Anya Noelle...aka Anyanka (Yes we named her after the Buffy character) Age 6. Miniature fashionista, animal and baby lover, wants to be a mommy when she grows up. She is probably the most like me of all my babies. She is amazing!

Maegan Elizabeth... aka Mae... aka.. Peaches...aka...Maegan Moodles. Age 2 1/2. The most smiley of all my babies. She's loud. She's obnoxious. She's incredible! This girl knows what she wants. This child has the potential to take over the world!

Some of my work....

In my profile, I said I was an artist, but I just realized I hadn't posted any of my work.... So here are some examples of my work! (mostly photo manipulations, with a few drawings and collages)

Black Friday

 I work at a call center doing sales and support for Best Buy. Monday there was a pre-Black Friday sale for premier members. The sale started at 10am eastern time and lasted until midnight. Our phones were going crazy! Within an hour, a good portion of items were sold out. (there were some amazing deals!) A little later, the website went down from too much traffic. So even more people were calling us to place orders.  And then our ordering system went down. And then our system for making case notes went down. And almost an hour before I got to go home. Our entire phone system went down. It was a very hectic, yet quite amusing day! I asked my supervisor if Black Friday was comparable to that. He told me that that was just the tip of the iceburg. I come in at 4am and work 12 hours on Black Friday. It promises to be a very interesting day!
On the other hand, I am bored out of my mind today! Apparantly, this is the calm before the storm. Everybody is out shopping for Thanksgiving dinner or whatever and we are getting very few calls. Time is drrrrraaaaaggggggiiiinnngggg by..... I still have 6 left here today. Tomorrow should be a bit busier as we will have an online sale to deal with. But, honestly, I am looking forward to Friday! Call me crazy, but I feel like I thrive on chaos! It's gonna be an adventure!.... and I'm only slightly bitter that I don't get to go out shopping that morning.... ;)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... a cool autumn evening,. The clouds were dark before the sun started going down, but no storm yet.
I am thinking...about Christmas gifts to give my loved ones
I am thankful... for EVERYTHING! My life is amazing at the moment!
In the kitchen... clean and dark. My wonderful kitty is happy at her food dish.
I am wearing... leopard print jammie pants and a dark blue sweatshirt. Yeah, I know I'm cool! ;)
I am creating... a good buzz....Thank you Bud Light!
I am going... to be working A LOT over the next month and a half. Got bills to pay and presents to buy!
I am wondering... what I would really say to the idiots who call in at my work if I didn't have to worry about getting in trouble.....
I am reading... To Stir a Magick Cauldron by Silver RavenWolf. I haven't gotten too far into it yet, but so far, it's really good!
I am hoping... that time goes by fast tomorrow at work
I am looking forward to... my 3 day weekend! Get to spend time with all my Lovelys!!!
I am hearing... The clock tick...tick...tick......Hmmm.... I'm thinking I should turn on some music.
Around the house... Quiet. It's just me here...and Thora, the cat. But it's peaceful and I've really needed that. I've been so busy lately. Barely anytime to relax.
I am pondering... about what I really want out of life. I am finally in the position where I can really live for ME... Just wondering where I can start...
One of my favorite things... When Edy looks at me. Not because he wants something. Not because I have something on my face. Just for the sake of looking at me...Because he loves me... <3
A few plans for the rest of the week: Hanging with my Edy, visiting with a good friend, having a great time with my babies!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
 I want to be this Marietta again.... I hadn't a care in the world, and the only things that mattered at all were things that made me happy.

On a pedastal...

How often do you find yourself putting others on a pedastal? Constantly putting their wants and needs before your own? We all do it! Some of us more than others. I have done it all my life. It's a confidence thing for me. I've always felt like others were better and more deserving. And it's exactly what I've found myself doing with my boyfriend, Edy, even though I promised myself I wouldn't do it this time.
A couple of weeks ago, my good friend, Charlene, gave me a nice, in-depth tarot reading. Not suprisingly, most of my cards spoke of Edy. But the one part of the reading that jumped out at me was about me always putting him on a pedastal. The reading told me that I had to stop, that he did not like it. That he wanted me to be strong for myself and do what needed to be done for ME. I already knew that is what I needed to do, it was just hard for me. But that reading really stuck with me and changed my perspective on things. But, it was a conversation I had a few days later, that really made it real for me.
I was over at Edy's, just shooting the shit. I don't even remember what started the conversation, but somehow we got into a deep discussion about our relationship. He brought up how I have been putting him on a pedastal. He used the same wording as in the reading. He told me I always made it about what he wanted. That we always did what he wanted, ate where he wanted to eat, saw the movies he wanted to see. He told me I had to stop. That I had to voice my opinion and be "selfish" for a change. He said he's never seen me do anything for myself and that I don't allow myself to take care of myself. He told me to take him off that pedastal and put ME on it. He told me I needed to figure out what I really wanted out of this life and really go for it and to not worry about what other people said or thought about it. He told me I needed to learn to love myself, to be confident in who I am. Without all this, he said, I would never be truly happy. I could give myself totally for him and my kids and let myself fall to the wayside, but that wouldn't turn out good for anyone. But, if I gave my all to MY life, I, along with everyone in my life, would benefit greatly. What can I say? My man is quite wise! =)
So, that got me thinking. What do I want out of my life? Do I want to be like most everyone else in the world, and muddle by, day after day, in a job that I hate? Never being productive in anything meaningful to me? HELL NO! But that's exactly what I've been doing. So now, I have to figure all this out. The following is the beginning of a list of things that I want out of this life at this point. This is not a bucket list.... This is a LIFE list! And I encourage you all to make a LIFE list for yourself! Don't base it on what other people might think of it. Base it on what YOU truly want! Go on! What are you waiting for?

Here is MY far....
~buy a good camera and teach myself photography
~work more on my art and sell it on Deviant Art
~learn a new language
~write more!
~brush up an my baking and candy making skills
~continue learning the Craft
~re-teach myself the violin
~Start planning a future trip to Ireland
~Love, love, love!
~Love even more!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I am so in love!!!

I did it! I found true love! I can't even believe this! We have only know eachother for about 6 weeks.... But it feels like I have been with him my whole life! Never in my life have I felt this way. And I have thought I was in love many times before. It's difficult to explain the difference this time. But, I think I can pinpoint it.... He doesn't expect me to be anyone else but who I really am... and he loves me for it! And I love him for who he is! He spoils me rotten! Though, I in no way expect or need to be spoiled. All I want is him! He has totally changed my life! He makes me smile constantly! My kids love him and he loves them! We have the same interests and the same views on life. And he has no qualms about me studying to be a witch! He loves me for who I am and I love him for who he is! (I know already said that, but I feel I need to emphasize my point) I honestly have trouble remembering my life without him..... This is it! This is the man I have dreamt of my entire life! How in the hell did I get so damn lucky?!!! Somebody pinch me!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Busy week!

Wow! I've hardly had time to breathe this week! This past weekend I had my babies! :) On Saturday, we celebrated my oldest daughter's 6th birthday! I will post pictures from it as soon as I get a chance to upload them. I ran around all weekend with my babies and my boyfriend. Who is great with them, by the way! :)
Monday, I started my new job: Selling cell phones over the phone, for Best Buy.I know very little about cell phones and even less about sales. Thankfully, we get 4 weeks of paid specialized training! Also, on Monday, I started back to school. I am so excited about everything that is going on in my life! I have never been this busy. I am finding it a little difficult to deal with my lack of down time, but I'll get used to it. Well, I must be getting to work! TTFN!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Well, Hello!

 I'm sitting here with a cigarette in my left hand and and typing with my right... Trying to decide how to tell you about myself. Do I give you the feel-good story of how I left my husband almost a year ago and finally found the freedom to be myself? Do I tell you how I sometimes like a beer at 10 in the morning? Or how I am addicted to Facebook?... Although, all that is true, I don't know... Because I really haven't figure myself out yet. I'm still learning where I stand in this thing called life.... So, what I'm thinking, is to giving you a list....a list of things about me. So, without further ado, here's a list of 50 random facts about Red.... In no particular order of importance... (except the first two... They're the most important!)
1. I have three beautiful babies... A boy and two girls.... They live with their daddy, because I knew he could give them a better life. I see them every other weekend... I miss them with everything I am....
2. I have the world's most amazing boyfriend! I truly have never known love like this in my whole life! He amazes me at every turn.... He calls me his princess....
3. He is the most incredible artist I've ever known! I envy his drawing abilities. 
4. I am getting ready to start school to get my associates degree in graphic design. I have always been passionate, yet lazy, about art... It's time to get serious.
5. I smoke... I have no plans to quit anytime soon. Sad, I know...
6. I am studying to become a witch. I have been drawn to the craft since before I can remember. I spent most of my life under the thumb of the Christian church.... Now that I'm out, I am trying desperately to find my own truth...
7. I love all colors. The bolder, the better... But, although I would say I don't have a favorite, I keep coming back to pink. :)
8. I love animals... I want a Great Dane and some cats.... Right now I am pet-less...
9. I live with my mother. If it wasn't for her, I would've been homeless when I left my ex-husband. She is my best friend. I owe her the world. And I love her more than I could ever say...
10. We just moved into a teensy-weensy 2 bedroom house.... I have never felt so at home in my life!
11. I've moved over 30 times in my life.... 7 times in 2000 alone.
12. I love music! I'm very eclectic in my taste... Everything from Black Eyed Peas to Sinatra...Aerosmith to Garth Brooks... Pretty much the only kind I don't like is screamo...
13. I love clothes! I used to want to be a fashion designer. But I don't have the stomach to survive in the business....
14. I have ADHD. I didn't realize it until a few years ago... Although, anyone I ask from my school years, tells me it was obvious.
15. I love all things vintage. Style was so much better before the 1980's.
16. I was obsessed with the band Hanson when I was a teen. I met them at the Tulsa State Fair before they became famous.
17. I played the violin for 3 years when I was a kid. I’m trying to re-teach myself … if I could only get the damn thing tuned! Someday, I would like to be able to call myself a fiddle player!
18. I have always wanted to publish a novel. If I could ever get past the first few chapters without getting distracted, I could probably do it!
19. I have a dream to buy an RV and travel the country working Renaissance Festivals.
20. I would also, someday, like to open a arts/crafts and occult supply shop.
21. I dropped out of school my junior year of high school. Luckily, I had enough credits to go back my senior year and graduate with my class. Go Class of 1999!!!
22. My favorite painting is Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
23. I have two biological brothers but one died when I was 4 and he was 7 months. I always wonder what my other brother would've been like... But my brother that survived is so funny and talented! Just plain amazing! I love him and his beautiful family so very much!!!
24. I have 2 step-sisters and 2 step-brothers
25. My parents divorced when I was almost 10
26. The Chronicles of Narnia are my favorite books
27. I would love to live in Narnia!
28. I love to read…I can totally lose myself in a good book
29. I love the movie Labyrinth. I know every line in the movie! I drive people crazy when we watch it.. I quote the movie as it plays.... :)
30. I’ve always cared too much about what other people think of me... I'm getting much better at not giving a shit...
31. I just sneezed and bit my tongue...... Ouch!
32. Speaking of, I have bad allergies at the end of summer....
33. I was in one play in high school, I played a friar (yes a male). They cut 5 of my lines, so my only line was “Nor I.” My Papa missed my line.
34. I love Lucy!
35. People tell me I remind them of Molly Ringwald
36. I make fantastic cheesecake! My friend used to call it “Atomic Cheesecake”
37. Sometimes I just break out into song and dance…..
38. I’ve been on two mission trips. One to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and one to Baltimore, MD
39. I’ve never had to have surgery
40. When I was 18 months old, I had a temperature of 107 degrees. My mom put me in a tub of lukewarm water. Even to this day I remember it as freezing.
41. If I could I would move to Ireland. I adore everything Celtic!
42. I’m a descendant of a Scottish knight, Sir Nicholas de Bigar I think was his name
43. I didn't get my license until I was 27. I've had 7 driver's permits. I was a very scared procrastinator....
44. I still want to be a rock star.
45. Some people would say that I daydream far too much..... I say, I daydream just the right amount. :)
46. My, mom, my kids and I, almost drove right into the 7th most deadly tornado in U.S. history.... We were hydroplaning like crazy and a brick hit our windshield before we turned around and took shelter in the nearest Walmart.... Though, if the tornado had come that way we would've been buried, as seen in the other Walmart it took out... There's nothing like being scared out of your mind and having to be strong for your terrified babies.... I still cry when I think about it.... So, therefore you know, I just cried....
47. That tornado took out the house I lived in for 7 years and a good part of the town I grew up in... I still feel like a movie is playing outside my car when I drive through there and it's been 3 months since it happened. It is incredibly surreal to see the devastation....
48. Amethyst is my birthstone. Faith is my middle name. Hence my username, AmethystFaith.... My real name is Marietta....
49. I was named after my maternal grandma.... She died a little while before I was born. I wish so badly that I could have met her!
50. I am looking forward to the future more than I ever have in my entire life.... It has never been brighter!